Hindsight is twenty-twenty and sometimes even the best programs with the most comprehensive plans cannot foresee possible complications. Take for instance the efforts that have been made to safely dispose of older vehicles in landfills. Before being placed into landfills, these junk vehicles are drained of hazardous materials and then placed into areas that have specific “netting” beneath them to insure that residual toxins or metal pollutants are not released into the surrounding environment. Unfortunately, as rain water washes over these decomposing junk vehicles, it carries away small bits of metal pollution with it. This rainwater filters down through the soil and sometimes through the netting resulting in the spread of metal pollution outside of landfills and into local water sources.
At Cash For Cars Huntington Beach, we believe that it is time to change the way junk cars are used. To help enact this change and lessen the effects of metal pollution from landfills we have created a “Cash For Junk Cars” program that aims to keep metal out of landfills and recycle them instead.
How The Program Works
We acquire junk vehicles from local area residents who would otherwise take them to a landfill. We then insure that all of the toxic fluids within the vehicle are drained responsibly and in full compliance with all applicable laws. The vehicle is then broken down into its recyclable parts. The steel from the vehicles body and frame is used in new vehicles to lessen the burden of new steel production. The rubber from the wheels is recycled, along with the plastics that make up parts of the engine.
The benefits of this program, then, are two-fold. Keeping the junk cars out of landfills lessens the potential for metal pollution while the recycling of the cars lessens the need for production of new steel, rubber, and plastic helping to preserve natural resources.
How does all this affect you? We are able to offer cash payments to you based on the recyclable value of your junk vehicle. All you need to do is call us and describe the condition of your vehicle and if it qualifies we will come to you and even tow it away for free. Why pay a dumping fee at your local landfill when we will pay you to recycle it instead? Instead of contributing to the problem, you can be part of the solution today!